Eric serves multiple, extremely important, do-or-die, gotta-get-done roles at KDHRC. Eric has long been KDHRC’s Chief Financial Officer in charge of all-things-money around our joint. And boy is he good at that. Eric is also the Edward T. Morgan Institutional Review Board Chairperson at KDHRC. Got a question about human subject protections in research? Ask him … he will have the answer! But because Eric’s first and lasting professional love is research, he is a KDHRC Senior Fellow who pilots as principal investigator several National Institutes of Health grants and helps to guide and execute large-scale KDHRC evaluations. Research is his bag.
KDHRC lured Eric from a faculty position at Georgia State University’s highly ranked Andrew Young School of Public Policy. Prior to his GSU faculty days, Eric was a senior research associate at The Urban Institute, a nationally renowned think tank in Washington, DC, and a professorial lecturer at The George Washington University’s Trachtenberg School of Public Policy and Public Administration. Eric received his Ph.D. in Public Policy from The George Washington University in 2000. Go Buff & Blue!
Eric enjoys being a dad to his four busy kids, working in his garden, climbing mountains, surfing, and endlessly coaching baseball. Both on the ballfield and at KDHRC, Eric is known for his rousing and lengthy pep talks and making people run laps when they mess up.