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KDHRC Connects with Other Preventionists at CADCA Mid-Year Training Institute

Earlier this month, KDHRC Account Associate Morgan Fleming traveled to Chicago, Illinois for the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA) 23rd Annual Mid-Year Training Institute. As an avid conference presenter and attendee, Morgan was impressed with the variety in workshop topics, engaging CADCA presenters, and opportunities to network with other preventionists across the globe. Her favorite workshops included reflections from a prevention campaign to reach Generation Z and strategies for diverse engagement with communities. Morgan also engaged with many of the youth attendees that attended the conference as current leaders of their schools coalitions and future drug preventionists in the making!

Morgan’s networking efforts with rural coalition leaders at the mid-year will lay the foundation for future tobacco research with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) later this year. To read more about KDHRC’s work with the FDA’s The Real Cost campaign, click here: The Real Cost – KDHRC.

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