Happy New Year! KDHRC is excited about the impactful work we will undertake this year…
KDHRC launched AVOID- our Anti-Vaping Online Information Dissemination program for middle and high school students
KDHRC launched AVOID on November 19, 2019!
We are proud to offer an evidence-based prevention program for schools and communities to teach middle and high school age youth about the risks of vaping. AVOID was designed to make prevention efforts easy and comes complete with discussion guides and brief educational videos for turnkey implementation. Instructors with little to no prevention or education background can use AVOID to facilitate group discussions with teens about the risks and facts about vaping. The brief educational videos offer teens a peer-to-peer resource that showcases a teen their age talking about why teens should avoid vapes. We wanted to give teens a character who they could relate to and the informative yet humorous script keeps the videos both engaging and educational.
We are thrilled to offer this resource to communities everywhere and invite you to watch a brief demo to learn more about the user friendly AVOID dashboard and program.
Head to our Facebook or Instagram pages to keep up with the latest news and research about AVOID and youth vaping.
AVOID is available now and you can begin prevention efforts in your community today. Head to www.avoidvapes.com to learn more!