Happy New Year! KDHRC is excited about the impactful work we will undertake this year…
KDHRC attends the National Institutes of Health Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting (NIHTRSM)
In late October, KDHRC attended the fourth annual National Institutes of Health Tobacco Regulatory Science Meeting (NIHTRSM). The NIHTRSM was created through the common goal of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to provide tobacco control, education, and regulation expertise.
The conference attracted a diverse set of thought leaders and subject matter experts that comprise the federally funded community of tobacco regulatory scientists and researchers.
The meeting featured themed presentations that:
- Addressed the FDA’s seven priority research areas of tobacco product chemistry and engineering, toxicity, addiction, health effects, behavior, communications and marketing influences, and impact analysis
- Explored issues that support the FDA in developing a framework for nicotine regulation
- Provided data to further develop the evidence base for informing FDA tobacco product regulations, education campaigns, and compliance efforts.
- Discussed new and emerging products such as the introduction of iQOS into the U.S. marketplace.
NIHTRSM provided insightful findings on the research advancements in understanding tobacco use and associated health consequences. These findings will continue to inform KDHRC’s support of tobacco and e-cigarette campaigns.