Happy New Year! KDHRC is excited about the impactful work we will undertake this year…
KDHRC attends CADCA Mid Year to gain program development insight from leaders in the anti-drug community
–July 2019
KDHRC Attends CADCA Mid Year to gain program development insight from leaders in the anti-drug community.
To promote AVOID, a media-based online toolkit for vape prevention for youth ages 12 to 16, and gain program development insight from leaders in the anti-drug community, KDHRC attended the Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America’s (CADCA) Mid-Year Training Youth Institute in Dallas, Texas! While in attendance, KDHRC disseminated materials from our other substance abuse prevention programs, such as POP-D, a prescription drug abuse prevention program. We also distributed applications to potential participants for our AVOID outcome evaluation. The outcome evaluation will include 30 schools and 30 community-based organizations to explore how participation in the AVOID program in builds youths’ knowledge on vapes, heightens perceived risk, promotes anti-vaping attitudes, and decreases intentions to use vapes. During the conference, we held a grassroots team meeting with coalition leaders within the drug prevention community to help us understand the most effective ways to develop the AVOID brief educational videos. Our video production partners for this project, Friendly Human, joined us at our exhibit table to gain insight into the coalition community and develop ideas for how to effectively create anti-vaping educational materials for youth.
With this valuable insight from coalition leaders, we are excited to move forward with AVOID and we look forward to creating the AVOID program materials that will effectively educate youth on the risks of vaping.
To learn more about AVOID visit our program page here!