Happy New Year! KDHRC is excited about the impactful work we will undertake this year…
KDHRC publishes brief that explores characteristics of staffers most likely to benefit from TPC.
— November 2017
KDHRC publishes brief that explores characteristics of staffers most likely to benefit from TPC.
The Todo Promotores Clearinghouse (TPC) strives to build the capacity of staffers at Latino health nonprofits to effectively run promotores programs. This brief explores characteristics of staffers most likely to benefit from exposure to TPC’s courses. While many types of staffers experienced gains in knowledge, positive attitudes, and self-efficacy around executing promotores programs, the biggest beneficiaries of TPC are frontline staffers at small, grassroots organizations. With respect to attitudes as the primary focus, TPC significantly impacts younger staffers. Visit our Publications page to view and download the brief.